Appliable Linguistics Seminar 16
(Seminar on Language Science and System Science 82

October 27, 2015

Time: 16:00, 28 October 2015

Venue: #304, School of Foreign Languages


Speaker: Zhang Ranran

Title: The Design and Application of Chinese-English Parallel Corpus of Appraisal Meanings


Speaker: Meng Chao

Title: The Analysis of the Press Releases in Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Incident - An ENGAGEMENT Perspective

Abstract: The author takes the press releases in Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Incident as the analysis materials, from the perspective of ENGAGEMENT in the network of APPRAISAL system, tracing the stances and language strategies used in the series of the press releases. The result shows that even though most of attitudes are expressed by "monogloss", the dialogistic alternatives are involved in. with the use of both monogloss and teterogloss, the creator and distributor of the press releases creates the dialogic space and makes "dialogues" between the creator and the reader. The result of the analysis show that although the press releases are "official", which means they represent the "credible" or the authorities, the attitudes and ideology "between the lines" may influence the way that the press releases reveal.

Key Words: press release, APPRAISAL system, ENGEGEMENT