SFL Sends Off 2024 Graduates


On the occasion of graduation, the School of Foreign Languages held a series of activities such as undergraduate voyage out education conference and graduate dinner party to send off the 2024 undergraduates.



In the afternoon of June 24th, the SFL held 2024 Undergraduate Voyage Out Education Conference. Ding Jian, party secretary of the SFL, Ren Zhujing, deputy party secretary of the SFL, He Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Caring About the Next Generation Committee,were present at the activity, and all the party members of 2024 undergraduates. The conference was presided over by Su Liuliu, the director of the Student Affairs Office.



Su introduced the process of joining the Party and the direction of graduation of the undergraduate Party members of the class of 2024, affirmed their exemplary role during the school, and hoped that they would bear in mind the needs of the motherland and the expectations of the people, and make consistent and lasting contributions in the process of interpreting the original mission with practical actions. Subsequently, by drawing upon their own experience and growth since joining the party, the graduates expressed that they will remain motivated and disciplined in the future and unswervingly integrate their youthful ego into the great wave of national rejuvenation, no matter they will pursue further study or go to the grassroots in the future. 



He Xiaofeng sent an affectionate message to the graduate party members, hoping that they will grow into the young generatin with "Ideals and Hopes", not only to shoulder the main responsibility, dare to trial and error, but also to withstand the test, be constant in the faith, and  do a good job in life's every "muiltiple choice questions" in the strong leadership of the party organization. Ren Zhujing encouraged the graduates to continue to play a model role as party members, sublimating the theoretical armament in practice, refining one' ability and temperament in the details, and holding high the spiritual banner of the SFL of SJTU with a better style and more tenacious will.



Finally, Mr. Ding Jian gave the last special party lesson for the graduates. He began the lesson by inviting them to review the biggest challenges in their undergraduate study, and then pointed out that the victory of Chinese communists was neither smooth sailing nor achieved overnight. He encouraged the party members to continue to deepen the study of party history, and drew mental strength from the stories of the old party members, and to turn that into the source of beliefs in overcoming obstacles in the cause of realizing the great dream of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.



The 2024 Undergraduate Voyage Out Education Conference came to a successful conclusion with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Party.


On the evening of June 24, the School of Foreign Languages held a dinner party for the 2024 undergraduate graduates in the Boya Hall of Zijin Street. With the playing of the warm greetings video, the college leaders, class teachers, professional teachers and graduates appeared together, signed their names and took a group photo to commemorate the time of youth. The dinner was hosted by Yue Shisen and Zhang Ziying, graduates of the class of 2024.



Ding Jian first delivered the opening speech and on behalf of the SFL expressed warm congratulations to the graduates who successfully completed their studies. He said that the ability of lifelong learning was the most valuable spiritual wealth that the SFL can bestow upon its graduates, and he hoped that equipped with SJTUer's sense of mission and responsibility the graduates will demonstrate their language ability on the broader world stage and continue to write a new chapter of the SFL's glory. Vice Dean Tao Qing encouraged the students to be good at drawing rich "positive energy" from foreign language learning, abide by the original aspiration and maintain their focus in the increasingly fierce competition, refuse self-depreciation and keep enriching oneself in the shaping and formation of foreign language habits. Ren Zhujing wished the graduates a bright future, and also sincerely welcomed them to come back "home" often in the future. The big family of the SFL and all the teachers here will offer trusted support and be their warm harbor.



Mr. Zhen Fengchao from English Department, Mr. Lin Zibo from Japanese Department, and Mr. Xue Yuan from German Department reviewed the growth of the graduates in the past four years, and proposed to give applause to the people around them with the attitude of "Carpe Diem", and encouraged them to turn the love of the alma mater, the love of teachers and students, and the love of classmates into the source of motivation to blaze new trails in the future. They wished the graduates a fruitful and meaningful life .



Class teachers' representatives, Ms. Jin Wenfeng and Mr. Lai Liangtao, and teachers' representatives, Ms. Fan Likun and Mr. Li Siqi, wished that the students could successfully complete the transformation from learners to researchers and practitioners, and also hoped to be the "bosom tree-hole" of graduates, waiting for their good news, and also always open warm arms for them to talk.



Ding Jian read out the list of Shanghai Outstanding Graduates and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Outstanding Graduates, and awarded honorary certificates and prizes to the award-winning graduates, encouraging them to work hard and aim for long-term success, keep the fighting spirit both in their hearts and in their actions. 



Tao Qing presented letters of appointment  to the class directors, and urged the graduates to keep in touch after graduation. The SFL will continue to be concerned about the their growth while they set sail to the sea and star. 


Xu MuXiaoqiao from the English Department, Wang LuEr from the Japanese Department and Wang Ziyao from the German Department spoke as the graduates' representatives respectively. They said that the training method of the SFL of arts and sciences' mutual generation, teachers' noble ethics by words and deeds, and the down-to-earth academic atmosphere here had provided a valuable platform for students to pursue their dreams, enriched their language skills, and enabled them to meet a better version of themselves. They sincerely wished the SFL all the success and achievements. They will also bear in mind the teachers' expectations and carry on the SFL spirit.



On behalf of all the graduates of the class of 2024, Liang Ziyin presented a potted plant of welcome pine to the SFL, wishing the SFL to be evergreen and have students all over the country. The welcoming pine tree not only symbolized that the graduates of the SFL will be as tough and upright as the pine tree wherever they go, but also showed the graduates' heartfelt gratitude to their alma mater. Ding Jian accepted the gift on behalf of the SFL and presented the graduates with bachelor's gowns engraved with the names of all graduates, hoping that it can accompany the graduates in place of their alma mater and conveyed to them the strength to climb upward.



In the session of interactive games and singing and dancing performances, graduates and teachers enjoyed the delicious food and drinks, and together they captured the golden moments with photos and made a promise to meet each other again in the future.



Wish the 2024 undergraduates of the SFL would hold high the banner of the SFL motto of "Being versed in the past and the present, learning from both the East and the West", and realize the SJTU motto of "Thinking of the source of the water, loving the country and honoring the university" to move steadily forward and set sail.



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