讲座题目:拉萨藏语的名词词组系统与结构 Nominal group systems and structures in Lhasa Tibetan
This paper presents a text-based study of the construal of entities through nominal groups in Lhasa Tibetan based on a focus text selected from a local folk tale compiled in Jiang (2016). It approaches the grammatical description of nominal group systems and structures from ideational and textual perspectives, taking as point of departure the discourse semantic systems of ideation and identification (Martin 1992; Martin & Rose 2007). From the perspective of ideation, nominal groups construe entities that realise items in field, which are classified or composed, with or without associated properties (Doran & Martin 2021). From the perspective of identification, nominal groups either present or presume the identity of entities in discourse. In terms of nominal group grammatical functions, the nucleus of a Lhasa Tibetan nominal group is a Thing, which enters into multivariate structure with post-Thing functions including Classifier, Epithet, Quantity, Perspective, Deictic and Function Marking, and pre-Thing functions Qualifier and Embedding Marking. In terms of word classes realising these functions, Lhasa Tibetan nominal groups involve nouns, pronouns, adjectives, numerals, quantifiers, determiners and clitics. The description also deals with complexing and embedding.